When will PKB be live at ELFT?
We are aiming to go-live with phase 1 (Clinic Appointments) in early March 24.
Can the app be translated? Are there options to change the language for our patients who do not have English as first language?
Yes, patients will be able to change language. There are number of languages available within the system however the language change will only apply to the core system functionality for example documents and care plans will stay in English.
Is the resource library patient specific?
During the initial launch the resource library will be at organisation level providing patients with key information about the Trust. Engagement with services will begin shortly so teams can set up their own resource libraries.
Assuming that if something is updated on this platform it would not automatically update on internal system like Rio? Would the clinicians have to do both?
Currently the integration is single directional so no data will be flowing back from PKB to other local systems such as RiO.
Are you able to have Video Calls with this format?
Unfortunately this functionality is not available.
Will CAMHS be involved in the first wave of appointments?
The first stage is focusing on Adult records but we will be working with ICS to see at what stage we can bring children records into scope.
Where it states 'Start Consultation.' Is that like a Web Chat?
No. The term 'Consultation' is misleading as it means 'Questionnaire'. We have informed PKB that this term is confusing and need to be changed.
Will this affect my care?
No, this will not affect the care you already receive from us. Instead, it’s designed to improve your care and experience, help you to be more involved in decisions, get better explanations from us, and give you the tools to manage your care safely at home.
Does this mean I won't receive any letters or texts from my hospital?
No, you will still get communications from us in the normal way. This is just another way to check your hospital appointments and view to your health record.
Is the system secure?
Patients Know Best is compliant with the NHS network, so it’s just as secure as the information your healthcare providers already hold on you. However, it's unique because it also gives you, the patient, access to your information via any web-enabled device. Patient information is encrypted (or coded) and only people who have permission to view your information can do so.
We encrypt data in both transit (i.e. when the information comes in and out) and storage.
Can I have access to my child's record?
The initial focus is on getting Adult records in Patients Know Best, however there are plans to make children records also available at some point during deployment. Parents or carers must have their own Patients Know Best account before they can be given permission to access their child's (under 16 years of age) record. Once registered, please contact us so that you can be verified and added to the child's record.
If you have not yet registered, follow the links above to do so using your NHS login.
Can I ask someone else to register on my behalf?
Yes you can ask someone else to register on your behalf, with your consent. However, they should not use their own email account to do this. If you want the family member or carer to have access to your record they can be added in the “sharing” section. This will allow them to set up their own account and allow you to control the level of access they have to your record.
What if I don't have an NHS login?
If you do not have an existing NHS login, don’t worry. You will be prompted to create one after entering your email from the NHS login sign-in page. If you do not have the NHS App, you can download it here .
What does PKB look like?
Here's an example of what you'll see after you've registered:
If the service changes the time (not date) of the appointment, will this show in PKB?
Every time there is a change or an update to the patient’s record, patients will receive an e-mail notification. To avoid patients receiving multiple email notifications, a message update has been removed so patients will only be able to view appointments, cancelled appointments or Did Not Attend appointments.
Who do I contact for issues using PKB?
If you have any questions about your health, you should contact your clinical team or GP. If your question concerns the Patient Knows Best platform, you can email the team at elft.pkb@nhs.net. If you are having difficulty registering access the Patient Knows Best manual.