ELFT Staff Networks
We are a network of staff working together to take the ‘dis’ out of disability at work.
By bringing disabled staff and those with long term health conditions together, we can offer mutual support and ensure the Trust has a positive and fair approach to disability in the workplace.
All Network members, disabled staff, and our allies are automatically added to our email distribution list.
The ELFT Ability network is on Twitter.
The Race and Culture Equity (RaCE) staff network is an important forum that provides support to staff and advises the Trust on the development of services and policies in order to address inequalities and advance race equality.
Lorraine Sunduza is the Trust’s RaCE Executive Sponsor and is passionate about this agenda. Staff are encouraged to get involved in the RaCE network to help improve staff experience at work and to help the Trust to understand the diversity of its staff and how we can ensure that everyone is treated fairly.
You can follow the ELFT RaCE staff network on Twitter
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Staff Network provides support to staff, organises events and advises the Trust on the development of services and policies in order to address inequalities that affect the LGBTQIA+ community.
The staff network sponsors are Dr David Bridle, Interim Chief Medical Officer, and Steve Gladwin, Director of Communications.
The network co-leads are Richard Harwin, Tiffer Hutchings and Naomi Rule.
The network also provides an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ colleagues to support each other, express concerns they may have, and spend time around people who understand their experiences.
The network promotes a better understanding of LGBTQIA+ inclusion and making LGBTQIA+ experiences more visible in the wider Trust.
We also want to empower all employees to step up as LGBTQIA+ allies and improve the workplace culture for everyone within the Trust.
The ELFT Women's network is a forum for our female workforce to come together for network meetings, events and support. Women's Network Bulletin and Intranet page
It's an open and honest environment where we encourage women to talk about the things that affect them in and out of work. Through this network, we aim to discuss the barriers that women face, the reasons why and what we can do to support all women to break through them. Information related to events will be posted here and via the Trust's internal communications.
Contact elft.womensnetwork@nhs.net or elft.communications@nhs.net for more information about any of the ELFT staff networks or follow us on Twitter. Please join/rejoin by emailing us to receive communications.
Our Network Leads are:
Olajumoke Adeoye
Chloe Randall
Rebecca Stanley
Doris Mc Meel
Our Sponsor is :
Philippa Graves, Chief Digital Officer
The climate network is a group of ELFT staff and service users with an interest in environmental sustainability and climate action. Whether you are an experienced carbon footprinter or have only just heard about this issue then the Climate Network is for you. We aim to bring people together to hear about opportunities, link up on projects, share ideas and hear about exciting developments within ELFT and the wider NHS.
Contact us on elft.greenelft@nhs.net
The Men’s Network platform is a safe and inclusive environment for all men to come together and share their common interests, skills and connections.
Men represent around 25% of the ELFT workforce. The Men’s Network is a crucial initiative set to celebrate men’s positive contribution to the Trust. The network looks to address the pressing health issues that affect men in general. It aims to focus on highlighting men’s health and well-being by supporting men to be involved with their health, through a fun, interactive and informative way.
Join the network for an opportunity to get men talking about their health. Get in touch if you would like to play a part. Email: - elft.mensnetwork@nhs.net
Creating closer staff
Staff networks offer a place for staff to come together, share experiences and facilitate learning and development. Networks assist in the shaping and delivery of Trust strategy and policy, working to improve staff experience on specific issues relating to each network.