Contact Carers Leads
The Trust is keen to ensure carers get information and support when they need it.
Carers are in a unique position to really know how an individual is coping, to provide support and to flag up if there are any issues. However, it is important that carers themselves are supported and looked after too.
The Carers Strategy 2022 - 26
The new four-year (2022/2026) Carers, Friends & Family Strategy recognises that carers and service users are experts in their own care needs and should be partners in the development of their care plan alongside professionals. This Strategy has been co-designed and co-produced with carers and staff. It provides our services and directorates with five key priority areas and detailed local delivery plans are currently being created.
It describes what we want to do, how we are going to do it, and what carers can expect. Download your copy here
Who to Contact
If you are a carer of someone, the care coordinator or named health professional for the person you look after is the person to contact about your health and social needs in the first instance. They will carry out a Carer's Assessment and call you every month or so to see how you are and how the person you look after is doing.
Carers Leads
The role of Carers Leads in the Trust is to ensure that those caring for people with mental health problems raise their concerns and are supported. They also lead on ways to improve how we work with carers.
Carers Leads encourage carers to get involved and have their say about the services we offer, both for carers and for service users, so that we might be able to make improvements and provide better services for all.
Handbook for Luton Carers
A handbook has been produced for carers in Luton.
It includes information and advice about help and support available for them and for the people they care for.
Download Luton carers' handbook