Share your story on Care Opinion. The independent NHS feedback site on which we read and respond to all stories.
- Adult SLTCom
- Chronic Fatigue
- Continence Service
- Community Beds
- Community Nurses
- Community Matrons
- Community Therapy Service
- Complex Care Team
- Diabetes Psychology Service
- Dietetics
- Discharge planning
- EoL (End of Life) partnership/ specialist palliative nursing, cancer and palliative care psychology
- Heart Failure Nurse
- Intermediate Care
- Palliative Care Hub (formerly know as PEPS)
- Parkinson’s Disease Nurse
- Pharmacists
- Phlebotomy
- Podiatry
- Specialist Palliative Care Psychology
- Tissue Viability (Wound Care)
- TB nurse
- Wheelchair service - countywide