Have I got dementia?
If you are worried about your memory there is no harm in asking for an assessment, this should reassure you as well as leading to help and support.
What do I do if I am worried about my memory?
Please visit your GP who will do a short memory test and will send a referral to us, if necessary
Is there any treatment?
There are medicines available which we can prescribe for some types of dementia, which aim to slow down the progression of the symptoms. We can also support you in accessing Talking Therapies and other support in the local area.
What happens at my appointment?
A practitioner will meet you and ask you questions about your memory 'story'. They will also ask you to complete a short memory test. the doctor may subsequently ask our occupational therapist and/or our psychologist to see you for further assessments.
How long will I have to wait?
We aim to offer you an appointment with the doctor within six weeks of your referral from the GP.
Who can I contact if I am worried?
Your GP would be the first person you can speak to.
Will I have any tests?
We require recent blood test results and often an ECG, arranged by your GP. Apart from the short memory test at your initial assessment, we usually ask for the head scan from the Luton and Dunstable Hospital.
Can I bring someone with me?
Yes please, we like you to bring someone who knows you well to accompany you to the appointment.
What happens if I get a diagnosis of dementia?
We offer an appointment to everyone after diagnosis to see one of the team for advice, support and offer guidance for the future.
Bedfordshire Memory Assessment Service (MAS)
The memory assessment service (MAS) aims to meet the needs of people who are concerned that they may have a significant memory problem.
The initial stage will be to assess and diagnose the nature of the person’s memory difficulties, report this to their GP and advise on further treatment or support.
The team is made up of specialist doctors, nurses, occupational therapists and psychologists. The team will continue to be involved after diagnosis, when appropriate, and can offer information, advice and support to the person with memory problems and their family.
The service provides care across Bedford, Mid Bedfordshire and South Bedfordshire.
The Lawns Resource Centre,
The Baulk
SG18 0PT
United Kingdom
Self referrals to this service are not accepted as it is vital that physical health checks are completed initially.
Referrals are accepted from any health and social care professional.
Our MAS services are based at the following locations:
Twinwoods Health Resource Centre
Milton Road
MK41 6AT
The Lawns Resource Centre
The Baulk Bedfordshire
SG18 0PT`
South Bedfordshire
Bungalow 2
Beech Close