These are the following types and examples of care delivery, please ring and discuss with the Nurse in Charge if you are unsure if a child meets our criteria:
- Technical Skilled Nursing Care – Child/ Young person requires a specific identified technical nursing procedure (eg: intravenous medication, subcutaneous medications, blood taking, complex wound care)
- Symptom Control/Management – The child requires a period of regular assessment and monitoring of symptoms which requires skilled nursing supervision or management, (eg: exacerbation of chronic conditions – eczema/Asthma, monitoring for children undergoing treatment for ALL/ babies on oxygen therapy).
- Education – The child/young person or parent/carer requires education to enable them to continue providing support for on-going treatment, care needs or therapies relating to the child/young person’s condition (eg: use of inhalers for Asthma, artificial feeding routes and care of same, suctioning, Oxygen therapy, administration of medication, Tracheostomy care).