Development support
- IMG doctors are expected to critically assess their own learning needs and ensure their PDP reflects both their clinical practice and the relevant generic capabilities to lead and develop services.
- Job plans should be agreed within the first couple months of working and reviewed yearly with line manager prior to appraisal.
- We would expect line managers to provide a degree of career development thinking. At this moment in time, we do not have a system in place around educational supervision, but Specialty and Specialist doctors are encouraged to contact the SAS tutor and medical education around any support required and will be signposted appropriately.
Portfolios access
- In terms of portfolio, SAS doctors will have access to the SARD portfolio for yearly appraisals and revalidation. SAS doctors can also access the RCPsych's eportfolio system which is free to use - it is currently not tailored for the portfolio pathway (new CESR), however it has mappable competencies and may be a more intuitive place to log activities. The SARD portfolio must be used for appraisals and revalidations.
Portfolio Pathway
- New change to the CESR pathway (support still available for those in process of completing CESR).
- ELFT in process of formalising a process within job plans - however, as it stands, if you are interested in this, please discuss with SAS tutor and medical education. AC approval/ES/CS · Approved clinician training is accessed via a portfolio pathway - there is a pilot programme in supporting SAS doctors with applying to become approved clinicians (last cycle started December 2023). · ELFT also encourage Specialty and Specialist doctors who meet the criteria to be supported to train to be Clinical and Educational supervisors. There are both in house courses and external courses which can help facilitate training. Please contact medical education and SAS tutor for more information and to register.
SAS doctors as appraisers
- SAS doctors are able to train to become appraisers and join the team of appraisers at ELFT.
- Please contact Colin Lovett (Medical Revalidation Manager; email ) and Medical Education to attend appraiser training.