City & Hackney CAMHS NDT Resources for ADHD
City & Hackney CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Team
Below is a set of resources for young people with a diagnosis of ADHD.
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) in the young person’s school should be aware of their assessment report.
We recommend that schools consider applying for an educational psychology assessment to better understand and support the young person’s learning profile. The school may wish to apply for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if this is not already in place. In terms of examinations, please discuss ‘Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments’ with the school SENCO.
The Educational Psychology Service run a Parent Advice Service. Parents can make an appointment on:
020 8820 7519/ 020 8820 7000 (Extension 4)
For more advice on accessing support at school/college, please contact the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Guidance Service (SENDIAGS)
[ Hackney 0-25 SEND Local Offer
Occupational Therapy
Many neurodiverse young people experience difficulties with sensory processing and fine or gross motor skills. The Occupational Therapy service is based at Hackney Ark.
[ Hackney 0-25 SEND Local Offer: ]
Phone 020 7014 7025
Parents can self-refer to this service
Speech and Language Therapy
Please discuss a referral with your school SENCO and/or GP.
If you are concerned about eating habits (e.g. restrictive or selective eating) please discuss a referral with your GP to
NOTE: CAMHS only offers further individualised intervention for young people with a neurodevelopmental diagnosis AND a co-morbid moderate to severe mental health problem (e.g. depression, anxiety) OR if they require medication for ADHD.
Young Hackney
Young Hackney offers year-round group activities and youth work for children and young people aged 6–19 (up to 25 years SEND). Young people can visit their local Young Hackney youth hubs to get involved in activities, or access support.
- Email:
- Website:
- Phone: 020 8356 7404
ADHD Parent Information Course
The ADHD parent course runs for 2 sessions and offers information about the diagnosis of ADHD, strategies for managing symptoms and treatment options. Parents of all young people who receive a diagnosis of ADHD will be automatically referred to the parent information course.
NOTE: Drug treatment is not indicated as first-line treatment for mild or moderate ADHD, but can be helpful for those with severe symptoms and impairment or for those with moderate levels of impairment who have refused non-drug interventions, or whose symptoms have not responded sufficiently to parent training/education programs.
Local offer
The Local Offer is a country-wide statutory government initiative to unify the provision of information that would be of benefit to children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities. A primary requirement is that every local authority provides an online directory of relevant services, supported by a knowledge base of in-depth articles.
Disability Living Allowance
You may wish to apply for DLA, details can be found here: people
Short Breaks
Young people can get Short Breaks if they are Hackney residents receiving middle to high rate DLA or PIP. Short breaks are daytime social or leisure activities or services that: allow a disabled child or young person to have an enjoyable break away from their main carer AND give their carer a break from their caring responsibilities
ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation has a wealth of information for parents, young people and schools about ADHD.
Children with ADHD talk about ADHD
A young woman with ADHD talking about what is ADHD
A series of videos about ADHD including talking about medication, explained by a paediatrician who himself has ADHD
What parents need to know about ADHD – extended video (2.5 hours) by American expert Russell Barkley
Understanding and coping with poor sleep – videos and resources for parents
Coping with poor sleep | Oxford Health CAMHSOxford Health CAMHS
ADHD– what every parent needs to know
Neurodiversity and Exams
For teenagers with ADHD
For younger children with ADHD
For parents of children with ADHD
Websites with reliable information