Read all the latest news from the Trust.
Follow the progress of our six runners as they prepare and train for the London Landmarks Half Marathon on Sunday 6 April 2025. All are running for different reasons but are united in their wish to support the work of the ELFT Charity
'What Happened to Jimmy', the Rough Sleeping Mental Health Project (RAMHP) service's film in collaboration with Here and Now 365, is now available on the East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) YouTube channel.
A new Chief Executive has been appointed to help lead not-for-profit community interest company, Compass Wellbeing.
A new NHS eating disorder intensive day and virtual service for teenagers has been launched in central Bedfordshire as part of a one-year regional pilot programme.
Three Bedfordshire-based members of staff have been promoted to new roles that can allow service users to be cared for from the comfort of their own home.
Newham Community Children's Matron and Queen's Nurse, Rebecca Daniels BEM, is undertaking a year of fundraising events in 2025 to support nurses facing emotional and financial crises.
Living in poverty can significantly impact people's health outcomes, experience of care and access to services. At East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT), we are dedicated to reducing health disparities and ensuring equitable access to care.
Therapists from Newham Talking Therapies have been interviewed to talk about how the service has been supporting Muslims.
Please be advised that there have been intermittent issues with the telephone lines for both the Community Recovery Teams (CRT) North and South.
Healthcare colleagues from northeastern Italy have paid a visit to the Trust to learn about ELFT's approach to supporting those with mental health needs.