We accept self-referrals from people living in the boroughs of Bedfordshire, City & Hackney, Newham or Tower Hamlets. If you live elsewhere, find your local perinatal service by clicking on
Self Referral
What do I need to do?
Click on the self-referral button at the bottom of this page. Choose the right option for which borough you live in.
Fill in as much information as you can, and remember to include your contact details, then choose the option to 'Submit.'
One of our team will be in touch soon after we receive the form.

Who can support me?
We understand that filling out this form can be tough and you may need support helping you through it, you might need a family member to do it or feel more comfortable asking the local Perinatal teams to help you.
If you look on the website under 'Where we work' (you can click on the link here>>) you will find your local area where there will be a phone number for you to contact them directly.

What happens next
After you submit the form the standard time for our team to get back to you will be within 7 days.
If you do not live in the areas ELFT provides Perinatal care please click on this link to find your nearest Perinatal service.
If you are experiencing an urgent mental health crisis you can speak to a mental health professional near where you live by clicking here

Making a Referral
If you live in the boroughs of Bedfordshire, City & Hackney, Newham or Tower Hamlets, and you are pregnant or have recently given birth and find you are suffering mentally or emotionally, please do not suffer alone.
You can fill in the Referral form by clicking on the link below and it will be sent to the team in your local area who will be in touch within 7 days.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or emergency and you or someone you know is in danger, you can contact our free phone Mental Health Crisis Support teams who are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Find the team where you live