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Information for our GP teams about Adult Community Health Services and Mental Health Services.
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Newham Cardiac Rehabilitation Service is a multi-disciplinary service for those who have had an acute cardiac event e.g. myocardial infarction, percutaneous intervention or cardiac surgery.
Heart failure patients are also welcome if they have been newly diagnosed or had a recent exacerbation.
Newham University Hospital
Glenn Road
E13 8SL
United Kingdom
Opening hours
Tuesday evenings
Email address: cardiacrehab.team@nhs.net
Telephone number: 020 8553 7485
What does this service offer?
Newham Cardiac Rehabilitation Service offers a menu driven care-pathway post hospital discharge.
Our programme meets all British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (BACPR) standards and guidelines. It is run by a multi-disciplinary team of cardiac nurses and physiotherapist.
We will initially telephone patients on receiving a referral and arrange to see them either in a nurse led clinic, telephone/virtual assessment or home visit, where we will assess them, their risk factors and their medications.
If appropriate they will then be offered a place on one of our group exercise and information programmes or on our home cardiac rehab programme.
Nurse led Clinics are run fromThe Centre Manor Park, 30 Church Road, E12 6AQ
GPs or other healthcare professional e.g. District Nurse, Physiotherapist, self -referral or other Cardiac Rehab Units
Contact Tel: 020 7909 4950
Complete the Referral Form Here
Team Email: cardiacrehab.team@nhs.net
Click here to go to Newham SCYPS Children's Community Nursing microsite page & resources.
We provide a range of services to support children with acute and complex care needs who reside within the London Borough of Newham.
These children (aged 0-16 years) that meet our service criteria require skilled nursing intervention and technical support or advice.
The nursing team conducts visits at the patient’s home, schools, hospitals and community settings.
The child must meet the following criteria:
- A child/young person aged 0 - up to 16th birthday (children 16 and over must be referred to district nursing service through their GP)
- A child/young person who is resident within the London borough of Newham and have a GP in Newham.
- A child/young person who has a requirement for Technical/Skilled Nursing Care, Symptom Control management or an Education/Training need around nursing care has been identified to be provided within the home, school or nursery setting.
Appleby Health Centre
Canning Town
E16 1LQ
United Kingdom
Opening hours
Email address: elt-tr.ccnsnewham@nhs.net
Telephone number: 0203 738 7063
The EPCT provides nursing and allied health care in patient homes across Newham for people aged 16 & upwards. We normally only offer these services to people who would otherwise be unable to access health care.
The core purpose of the Foot Health Service is to deliver an increasingly evidence-based service to the residents of Newham, aimed at reducing foot problems, maintaining or improving mobility and reducing pain through treatment and education in a cost effective manner at appropriate times to patients.
The service aims to provide high quality intervention for those individuals considered to be at greatest risk of developing foot health complications, as a result of complex medical history and podiatric needs.
The service objectives are to:
- Improve the clinical outcomes of residents of Newham, with lower limb and foot health needs. Enabling them a better quality of life.
- Provide a foot health service, working alongside other health and social care services that improve the quality of care for Newham residents with foot health need – aligned to best practice and national guidelines.
- Provide clinical interventions that reduce the debilitating effects of long-term conditions and other illnesses on foot health, thereby promoting greater independence and mobility.
The Foot Health Service has specialist clinics including musculoskeletal, nail surgery, diabetic foot ulcers and run a daily triage assessment clinic. We are involved in multi-disciplinary clinics and ward rounds with vascular and diabetes consultants, which take place at Newham University Hospital.
- Service Lead: Marie Parchment, Service Manager
- Senior Manager: Joanna Raphael, Head of Adult Therapies
Shrewsbury Road Centre
306 Shrewsbury Road
E7 8DQ
United Kingdom
63 Appleby Road
Canning Town
E16 1LQ
United Kingdom
The Centre Manor Park (Room G08)
30 Church Rd
E12 6AQ
United Kingdom
Opening hours
Appointment only
Telephone number
0208 586 5100
0208 496 9007
0203 738 7085
Care for patients who are well enough to leave acute hospital but not well enough to return home. We also care for people whilst they wait for placement in a specialist area like a nursing home.
The ward has several end-of-life spaces caring for people and their families in the last weeks/days of their life.
The aim of the Integrated Discharge Hub is to:
- Support wards to safely and appropriately discharge patients their Expected Date of Discharge [EDD] (which should ideally be the same day as they are medically fit/stable)
- Help embed good discharge assessment and planning practice on the wards
- Act as an advocate for patients with complex discharge needs
Service Lead: TBC
Senior Manager: Raguraman Padmanabhan, Clinical and Operational Lead
Shrewsbury Road Health Centre
Shrewsbury Road
E7 8QP
United Kingdom
Email address: elft.newhamidh@nhs.net
Telephone number: 0207 363 8147
The Long COVID Service for Newham and Tower Hamlets is a new MDT, therapy lead service set up to meet the needs of the local population presenting with Long COVID. Referrals into the service are received from both Primary and Secondary Care once appropriate investigations and diagnostics have been undertaken to rule out an organic cause of the presenting symptoms.
The role of the Long COVID MDT is to explore these symptoms further, provide specialist first-contact treatment and make appropriate treatment plans and onward referrals to appropriate therapy services.
The Service has medical support to assist with the complexity of symptoms the patients present.
The Newham Community Diabetes Service is based at Shrewsbury Road Health Centre. We are Nurse Lead Diabetes Service with a highly-motivated, enthusiastic and friendly team of Community Diabetes Specialist Nurses. Our service cares for adults with Type 2 diabetes in the community and mental health inpatient units.
We provide clinical care/ education support for People with Diabetes in Newham. We also provide clinical support to GP, Community Nurses and other MDT. Our goal is to support people with Diabetes optimised their glycaemic control, prevent complications of diabetes and live a normal life.
Our passion is to support Nurses already working in Diabetes to achieve their full potential, raise and mentor the next generation of Diabetes Specialist Nurses. One of the benefits of working with Newham Diabetes is learning and development support, regular training is available to all the staff.
All our staffs have an up-to-date appraisal and personal development plan. All our staffs access our management and clinical supervision by a consultant endocrinologist and Clinical Lead. Newham Diabetes Service is a place to come, develop diabetes management knowledge and skills and become a seasoned diabetes Specialist Nurse
The Newham Continence and pelvic rehabilitation service is a multidisciplinary team that provides specialist assessment and treatment of adults with bladder, bowel, or other pelvic floor dysfunction and also pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain. We also support children with additional needs with bladder and bowel problems.
We would welcome you to visit an area find interesting. You can either apply directly for a role using the link (not sure that is the correct word) or arrange to visit the area and talk to the manager.
Our Phlebotomy service ensures successful blood sample collection for diagnosis and care, available by referral from your GP or acute services. We provide convenient and seamless access for patients.
Appointment Only
Please book your appointment in advance and arrive at your scheduled time. You must have the blood test request form from your doctor or nurse stating what type of blood tests they want you to have. Book your blood test appointment.
Service Lead: Jacqui Birkett, Phlebotomy Manager
Senior Manager: Joanna Raphael, Interim Deputy Director
The Vicarage Lane Health Centre
10 Vicarage Lane
E15 4ES
United Kingdom
Opening hours
Monday 7:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 7:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 7:00 - 15:00
Thursday 7:00 - 15:00
Friday 7:00 - 15:00
Telephone number
0208 475 2199
Rapid Response Team/Fast Falls Service provides care to service users in their homes to provide immediate assessment and offer support and guidance on the spot. The RRT is a unique and exciting place to work and deliver an exceptional standard of care.
Working with the team enables you to build confidence in advanced clinical reasoning and autonomous skills to develop a rewarding career.
This a specialist care area caring for older adults with behaviour that challenges, normally patients will have advanced dementia and require enhanced nursing support.
The Single Point of Access (SPA) team has been operational since December 2015. They are the first point of contact for patients and referrers for the following CHN Services:
- Extended Primary Care
- Team for all localities
- Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
- Rapid Response
- District Nursing Teams, for all localities including bookings for the Dressing Clinics
- Care Navigation
- Fast Falls Service
- Referral and Assessment Team
Service Lead: Jasmin Zaman, Administration Manager
Senior Manager: Helen Grimes, Head of Administration
East Ham Care Centre
302 Shrewsbury Road
E7 8QP
United Kingdom
Opening hours
8am – 10pm 7 days per week
Email address: epct.spa@nhs.net
Telephone number: 020 8709 5555
Newham Speech and Language Therapy service (SLT) is a specialist service that carries out evaluation and management of communication, swallowing disorders and associated difficulties in a range of community and acute settings.
Who we are
Therapies - Adult
Newham Speech and Language Therapy service (SLT) is a specialist service that carries out evaluation and management of communication, swallowing disorders and associated difficulties in a range of community and acute settings. Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning is carried out by qualified speech and language therapists, supported by speech and language therapy assistants, students and bilingual co-workers. The Adult SLT team works closely with colleagues in Extended Primary Care, Virtual Ward and Specialist Neurology teams.
West Beckton Health Centre
2 Monarch Drive
E16 3UB
United Kingdom
Telephone number
0208 586 6464
How to refer
The main referrers are as follows:
- GP
- Self
- Carer
- Other medical staff
Newham Children's Speech and Language Therapy service is a specialist service for children and young people that carries out evaluation and management of communication, language, eating, drinking and swallowing disorders and associated difficulties in a range of community and acute settings.
Speech & Language Therapy - Early Years
West Ham Lane Health Centre, 84 West Ham Lane
E15 4PT
United Kingdom
Opening hours
Monday 09.00-5.00pm
Tuesday 09.00-5.00pm
Wednesday 09.00-5.00pm
Thursday 09.00-5.00pm
Friday 09.00-5.00pm
Email address: children.slt@nhs.net
Telephone number: 020 8586 6380
Who we are
Therapies - Child & Adolescent Newham
Children's Speech and Language Therapy service is a specialist service for children aged young people that carries out evaluation and management of communication, swallowing disorders and associated difficulties in a range of community and acute settings. Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning are carried out by qualified speech and language therapists, supported by speech and language therapy assistants, administrators and students on placement.
- Full details are available here: SCYPS services
- You can email the team at children.slt@nhs.net
How to refer
Referrals for Early Years Speech and Language Therapy are accepted from:
- Parents / Carers
- GPs
- Nurseries / Schools
- Allied Healthcare Professionals
Please complete the Universal Referral Form which will provide us with the information we need to decide how it is best to help the child. These referrals can be posted or emailed directly to our service: children.slt@nhs.net
The Tissue Viability Service offers a nurse led wound care service to the people of Newham who suffer from both acute and chronic wounds and those at risk of developing wounds such as pressure ulcers. The service operates to provide hands on specialist clinical care, expert advice and education for patients and all stakeholders involved in wound prevention and treatment. The service provides a range of advanced wound treatment interventions to enable people to receive care at home and prevent hospital admission. In addition to providing a community service for patients with wounds at home the tissue viability team support colleagues working in The Trusts mental health settings in Newham, Tower Hamlets and City & Hackney, children’s services, in patient wards at East Ham Care Centre and nursing and residential homes in Newham.
There are currently five Tissue Viability led leg ulcer clinics and one leg ulcer prevention clinics a week and one clinic for the management of lower limb oedema.
The Tissue Viability Service are proud of their healing rates and recurrence rates for venous leg ulcers. Currently our healing rates are on average 86% in 12 weeks and recurrence rates are 2.4%. Nationally figures for healing rates are around 50% in 12 weeks and recurrence rates are reported as 24%.
Recent initiatives and achievements
The Tissue Viability Service was the front-line submission in 2008 for the High Impact Actions ‘Your skin matters’ and were able to demonstrate a reduction in hospital admissions associated with pressure ulcers by 50% with a cost saving in excess of 59K. The team led on a QI Project in 2018 aimed to address the inequalities in the assessment and management of patients with leg ulcers receiving care at home was welcomed and supported by the district nursing teams. These teams have an increasing demand on their time and are expected to deliver a high-quality service. The project was a success and with the support of the tissue viability team new technologies were introduced which simplified leg ulcer assessment.
In 2019, a qualitative research study was undertaken to explore the barriers and enablers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in pressure ulcer prevention and management in a community setting. The findings of this study have been published in Health and Social care in the community journal.
In 2021, a Collaborative QI project where the aim was for a reduction of ELFT acquired pressure ulcers in the community by 10%. The project was a success, and we were able to demonstrate a 31% reduction. Some of the changes ideas were introducing Telehealth monitoring and the use of wound Photography to aid triage of referrals and support correct identification of the category of pressure ulcers. This led to the team being awarded the Silver Prize at the British Journal of Nursing Awards 2023.
How to Prevent Pressure Sores
The Tissue Viability work in collaboration with the Pressure ulcer Improvement facilitators in both Newham and Tower Hamlets Extended Primary Care Services supporting district nurses in the prevention and management of pressure ulcers.
Preventing pressures sores developing involves collaboration with individuals, families and carers, as well as healthcare staff. The tissue viability team have supported the local authority in providing training and education for informal and formal carers working across the borough to raise awareness of pressure ulcer prevention and where to seek help.
Service Lead: Carole Taylor, Lead Nurse- Tissue Viability Service
The Centre Manor Park
30 Church Road, Manor Park
E12 6AQ
United Kingdom
Opening hours
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Email address: tissueviability.service@nhs.net
Telephone number: 0207 909 4970
The Urgent Community Response (UCR) service (which includes Fast Falls) provides rapid initial assessment and immediate treatment for Newham patients (meeting the inclusion criteria, please see below). This is within their own home (including care homes) and is with a view to preventing a hospital admission when clinically appropriate to do so. We aim to assess patients within 2 hours of referral.
Medical care is provided by a multidisciplinary team, which includes Advanced Care Practitioners (ACPs), rapid response nurses, occupational therapists (OTs), physiotherapists and therapy assistants.
When is it available?
- The service operates from its base at East Ham Care Centre from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week.
- Referrals will be accepted for fast falls between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. seven days per week and for the rest of the UCR service from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Who do we accept referrals from?
We accept referrals from:
- The patient’s GP
- Community health professionals within East London Foundation Trust
- The patient themselves or their relative or carer
- London Ambulance Service (LAS)
- Physician Response Unit (PRU)
- Emergency Departments (EDs)
- Social care providers
- Nursing and residential homes
How to make a referral?
Please call our single point of access (SPA) on 020 8709 5555 between 08:00-19:59hrs, 7 days a week.
East Ham Care Centre
Shrewsbury Road
E7 8QP
United Kingdom
Opening hours
7 days a week between 8am and 10pm (last referral 19:59)
Telephone number: 020 8709 5555 (Ask for Urgent Community Response)
Mental Health Services
For urgent referrals to secondary mental health care or crisis:
Call the 24-hr Helpline number Freephone 0800 073 0066 or for GPs 020 7771 5900
For CAMHS Crisis:
Call duty team in-hours 9am-5pm on 020 84309000, OOH via above 24-hour adult crisis service.
For non-urgent advice, including to discuss the support and treatment currently available for potential non-urgent referrals, please use your PCN Mental health huddles or liaise with your Community Integrated Mental Health Team.
Non-urgent Referrals can be emailed to: elft.newham-pcns-referral-inbox@nhs.net
There are self-help options and you can make a referral via their website.
Please go to the CAMHS service page for more information on their referral process for GP's, health professionals and schools.
Learning Disability & Autism Service
We have established a referral process with Help Newham for our Newham clients/families in need of access to food/essentials, weekly deliveries and/or medication deliveries.
Our team will provide phone on-call cover over the Easter weekend (via the main NHLD team number 0207 059 6600)
We have a range of easy read information relating to COVID-19, self isolation etc.
We are providing NHLD clients with a one page COVID-19 passport (to supplement the Hospital Passport) which gathers specific information re onset and symptoms.
The Community Nurses are focused on supporting the Continuing Healthcare (complex physical health &/or challenging behaviours) cases. We are making weekly (minimum), often daily contacts to ensure that packages are maintained & supplemented if necessary & infection control guidance is followed.
All non-essential & routine contact has stopped, but we maintain an infection controlled room at Romford Road for essential appointments, i.e. depot injections
All caseloads have been triaged & RAG rated; initially focusing on those living in the family home but now expanded to residential & supporting living. We are ensuring that all Hospital Passports, Behavioural & Care plans are up to date & shared. The team are making daily calls to those that require this & we are supporting cases where behaviours are escalating & are seeing a subsequent increase in PRN requests
There have been two mail drops. Initially focusing on reducing the virus spread & secondly offering additional guidance on behavioural management techniques, local support networks, self-isolation tips, etc
We are co-working closely with the Local Authority to reduce escalation & where necessary crisis management. Day services have closed & we are working to put in place sustainable, alternative provisions including potentially a small day service provision for those for whom self isolation at home presents risks.