This page provides a list of other helpful websites and organisations for people to visit to support them with their mental health and wellbeing.
Useful resources
Useful resources
The aim of low-intensity CBT is to help you to help yourself by giving you a range of tools and techniques that you can put into action and then have to help you in the future.
Behavioural Activation is an evidence-based intervention for the treatment of low mood or depression, recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NIHCE, 2009).
This self-help programme, with Case Studies, is here to guide you through your recovery based on an approach that has helped many people already in a similar situation to you.
Cognitive Restructuring is an evidence-based intervention for the treatment of low mood or anxiety, recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NIHCE, 2009).
Worrying is a normal process and we all worry to an extent at times. For some people however, worrying can become a problem in itself.
Problem-solving is an evidence-based intervention that helps you initially distance yourself from your problems to help you think about different types of practical solutions.
Exposure and habituation is an evidence based treatment commonly used when you are avoiding something that causes fear.
Exposure and habituation is an evidence-based treatment commonly used when you are avoiding something that causes fear. I
Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is an evidence-based, treatment for people experiencing OCD and it is recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
CBT for Insomnia is an evidence-based set of interventions effective in the treatment of Insomnia and sleep problems.