Computerised CBT
Computerised CBT

We’ve invested in SilverCloud® by Amwell®’ mental health programmes. Backed by 20 years of research, they are the global leader of clinically proven digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programmes.
SilverCloud® mental health programmes are completely free to you, and they have already helped over 1 million people to feel better. In fact, most patients showed improvements in just three months.
We offer these programmes available any time of day and from any device, including a tablet or your mobile phone:
Space from Depression
Space from Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Space from Phobia
Space from Panic
Space from OCD
Space for Sleep
Space for Perinatal Wellbeing
Space in Coronary Heart Disease from Depression and Anxiety
Space in Chronic Pain from Depression and Anxiety
Space in Diabetes from Depression and Anxiety
Space in Lung Conditions from Depression and Anxiety
What to expect
You will be supported throughout the programme by one of our Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
You will first have an assessment where you can discuss your current problems and your supporter can help to identify the correct programme for you. Following this, you will receive online reviews from your supporter where they can offer encouragement and advice as well as a telephone call midway to review your progress.
Following completion of the programme you have access to Silvercloud for up to a year.
Please note Bedfordshire Talking Therapies does not offer the adolescent programme.