Goodbye Jess
Recruitment update
Recruitment update
New study site CNWL now open
First Bedford therapy groups underway
Bedford Arts Therapist Training Day
The British Association of Music Therapy Conference 2021
Welcome to our ERA Clinical Lead
Service user voice: What do we want? Choice!
New papers from the ERA researchers
ERA feature in ELFT's TRUSTtalk magazine
A Survey of Preferences for the Arts Therapies
World Mental Health Day 2020
6 month follow ups for the first London groups
Feedback from ERA participant survey
Study update and NIHR HTA meeting summary
Arts resources and feedback from Mind
ERA participant and therapist interviews
Engage in the arts at home
Bedford recruits 60 participants
Engaging with the arts makes you live longer!
First London therapy groups underway
LEAP update
Open to recruitment in Avon & Wiltshire
Group counsellor opportunity
Recruitment update
Recruitment begins in London and Bedford
ERA has been given ethics approval
Meet the ERA team