3740 Deaths and those due to COVID
3744 COVID Structured Judgment Reviews
3744a Structured Judgment Reviews
3759 COVID deaths and vaccination numbers
3761 Hospital COVID cases - not applicable to the Trust
3762 Long Covid Clinic
3763 Long Covid Clinic
3788 Staff, COVID and hospital bed
3849 PCR testing cycles
3864 PCR Cycles and child deaths due to COVID
3955 Covid cases and deaths since March 2020
4005 Total number of all deaths from COVID-19 alone between 1/3/20 and 1/11/21
4006 Long Covid staff absences
4036 Post-covid impact of restricted patient visiting policies
4058 Covid deaths 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021
3653a 2020 Section 2 admissions by month
3653a Appendix
3657 Adults and Childrens Eating Disorder Service Between 2018 and 2021
3674 Domestic abuse advisor, policy and reporting figures
3715a DNACPR March 2019 - January 2021
3715a Appendix
3720 Mental health patients by accomodation status
3720a Mental health patients by accomodation status
3720a Appendix 1
3720a Appendix 2
3722 Policy regarding self harm and personality disorders
3730 CAMHS ARFID admissions - not applicable to the Trust
3732 MRI scans in 2019 - not applicable to the Trust
3733 CPA Policy
3733a CPA Policy appendices
3733a Appendix
3741 List of IAPT services
3742 List of IAPT services
3746 CAMHS Tier 3 - referral and treatment
3747 Suicide Prevention Action Plan
3750 Diabetic Inpatient Nurse provision - not applicable to the Trust
3757 Support workers regarding their housing
3765 In-patient eating disorder service - not applicable to the Trust
3766 Support for patients newly diagnosed with Melanoma - not applicable to the Trust
3767 Physiotherapy/Occupational therapy/Speech and language therapy 19/20 and 20/21
3769 RTT incomplete pathways data - not applicable to the Trust
3771 Talking Therapies waiting times for BPD
3777 Insourcing, Outsourcing and Hospitals own Waiting List initiatives
3780 MHA sections and eating disorders
3783 ECT, Serious Incidents, Restraints, Seclusion, Medication Errors in 2020
3784 Maternity Services
3785 Lock Rehabilitation Wards - not applicable to the Trust
3786 Speech and language therapy sessions
3787 Orthotics services
3788 Staff, COVID and hospital beds
3790 Edwin Lobo Centre referrals - not applicable to the Trust
3795 CAMHS Referrals
3798 CAMHS Referrals
3799 Serenity Integrated Mentoring
3804 ADHD services
3808 Blood collection - not applicable to the Trust
3810 IAPT referral times
3810a IAPT referral times
3810a Appendix 1
3810a Appendix 2
3814 Community Eating Disorder Service
3815 Migraine Clinic - not applicable to the Trust
3816 MH & LD Covid-19 Dashboard
3817 ADHD referrals and waiting times
3818 Suicidality in Accident and Emergency/Emergency Department
3819 Eating Disorders in Accident and Emergency/Emergency Department
3821 Radiology / Teleradiology Services - not applicable to the Trust
3843 CAMHS waiting times
3843a CAMHS waiting times
3844 A&E admissions - not applicable to the Trust
3846 Drug forumarly
3846 Appendix
3847 CAMHS waiting times and deaths
3848 Number of admissions from ambulance service/paramedics - not applicable to the Trust
3851 Admission waiting list, capacity and leave
3851a Admission waiting list, capacity and leave
3851a Appendix
3853 Deaths and investigations
3855 Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment policy
3858 Cancelled operations - not applicable to the Trust
3663 Waiting times for ADHD and referrals for addictions
3865 Mental health status and accomodation
3865 Appendix
3868 Hospital acquired infections
3870 Hospital Manager hearings
3870a Hospital Manager hearings
3873 ELFT provision in Bedfordshire
3873 Appendix - Q4 (1)
3873 Appendix - Q4 (2)
3873 Appendix - Q4 (3)
3876 Eye examinations - not applicable to the Trust
3877 Medically induced abortions - not applicable to the Trust
3878 CAMHS Waiting List
3882 Inpatient capacity Jan 2018 - date
3882 Appendix
3886 Black service users
3886a Black service users (sectioned)
3889 ECT patients in Newham
3891 Dermatology services - not applicable to the Trust
3895 ASD referrals and diagnosis
3901 Lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans young people
3907 Covid-19 vaccine doses administered
3914 GP/Primary Care and Secondary care mental health appointments
3919 Cancer pathway - not applicable to the Trust
3926 Treatment of Schizophrenia
3931 Orthotic and Prosthetic service provision
3938 CAMH neurodevelopmental / neurodiversity pathway
3938 Appendix
3942 Total spend on unlicensed medicine
3943 Data management and medicines usage in secondary care
3946 Mental Health Placements re Central Bedfordshire
3951 ECT 2016-2020 trustwide
3951 Appendix
3954 Incidences of Carbapenemases - not applicable to the Trust
3956 Mouth cancer referrals and diagnoses - not applicable to the Trust
3957 Bed ocupancy weekly average
3957 Appendix
3961 Anxiety Treatment
3966 Hospital admissions attributed to heat-stroke/heat exposure/fluid and electrolyte disorders/dehydration/sunstroke - not applicable to the Trust
3968 Bariatric Patients
3969 OPEL 3 or 4 in the last 24 months
3971 CAMHS admissions and reasons
3973 ECT and Major depressive disorder treatment
3974 CAMHS Referrals since 2018/19
3977 CAMHS admissions and reasons, 2016 to date
3983 Black and White ethnic origin locked ward inpatients and court proceedings
3987 Twinwoods Centre autism assessment waiting list numbers
3988 MMR cases and deaths for years 2017-2021 inclusive
3990 Forensic gatekeeping referrals and admissions under MHA
3990 Appendix
3991 Memory Clinic waiting times and waiting lists
3991a Memory Clinic waiting times and waiting lists - clarification of timescale
3993 Critical haemorrhage incidents, equipment and staff training
3993a Critical haemorrhage incidents, equipment and staff training
4009 Treatments with teriparatide, oral bisphosphonates and Vit D - not applicable to the Trust
4011 Number of informal patients discharged w/c 23 March 2021
4016 CAMHS/CYPMHS autism referral and waiting time statistics
4026 Delayed dishcharges
4034 CAMHS referrals 2017-21
4040 Cognitive analytic therapy services in Tower Hamlets
4041 Respiratory treatments for air pollution
4044 Prehabilitation services - not applicable to the Trust
3721 Endoscope inventory and maintenance - not applicable to the Trust
3729 Pest control
3838 MRI/CT/Ultrasound equipment - not applicable to the Trust
3854 Management of hospital porters - not applicable to the Trust
3883 X Ray equipment - not applicable to the Trust
3887 Wards and outdoor spaces
3894 Security Officers - not applicable to the Trust
3898 Estates contracts
3902 ECT patients in Tower Hamlets
3923 Patient meals - not applicable to the Trust
3924 Waste disposal
3927 Trusts expenditure and estate
3949 Artwork spenditure
3950 Recruitment and Retention Premia (RRP) regarding directly employed, qualified Estates - not applicable to the Trust
3980 Specfic manufacturers and capabilites of Trust's CCTV cameras
4014 Fixed rate energy contract arrangements, tariffs, budgets and costs
4037 Community Mental Health Team Care Plans
4037 Appendix
4048 Human Milk Product Purchasing
3673 Payroll software
3675 Payment services
3681 Fatigue and Facilities Charter fund spend
3696 Finance ledger system
3702 Stonewall application
3702 Appendix 1
3702 Appendix 2
3702 Appendix 3
3702 Appendix 4
3702 Appendix 5
3702 Appendix 6
3702 Appendix 7
3702 Appendix 8
3731 Agency spend on acute specialisms - not applicable to the Trust
3737 Supply of medical (doctor) temporary workers
3745 Annual expenditure on nursing staff
3782 Agency and Bank spend and hours
3796 Financial spend re suppliers
3796 Appendix
3807 Car leasing, Grey fleet and Salary sacrifice contracts
3833 Agency nursing
3836 Job planning and rostering
3840 Stonewall payments
3861 Agency, bank and waiting list initiative spend
3869 Stonewall payments
3885 CCG/NHS England reimbursement
3888 Second class post and Post room staff
3890 Agency Spend
3905 CCG/NHS England reimbursement
3913 Expenditure on private mental health services
3917 Overseas Patients treated in the maternity department
3918 Off framework agencies for RMN
3918a Off framework agencies for RMN
3922 Number of staff and cost, agency hours and spend 20/21
3922 Appendix
3929 Payments to charities
3949 Artwork spenditure
3962 ICS funding
3970 Chaplaincy (or equivalent non-Christian religious/pastoral support) 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21
3981 Overseas Visitors and Non Contract Activities/Agency & Locums
3981a Overseas Visitors and Non Contract Activities/Agency & Locums
3985 All transactions over £25,000 from June 2021 by date, value and procurement category
3996 Apprenticeship Levy and Standards
3999 Foureyes Insight - not applicable to the Trust
4001 Using third-party software for creating junior doctor/trainee rotas
4008 Spending, management and contracting of agency staff
4014 Fixed rate energy contract arrangements, tariffs, budgets and costs
4017 Mental health bed and private transport provision and contracting
4018 GP practices owned by ELFT, timing/funding of acquisitions
4028 ELFT spend on recruitment 01/02/2021 to 01/12/2021
4028a ELFT spend on recruitment 01/02/2021 to 01/12/2021
4030 Second class post and Post room staff
4048 Human Milk Product Purchasing
HR (People and Culture)
3665 Whilsteblowing concerns 2019-2020
3671 Staff rotas software
3673 Payroll software
3671 Staff rotas software
3689 Clinical Leadership
3702 Stonewall application
3702 Appendix 1
3702 Appendix 2
3702 Appendix 3
3702 Appendix 4
3702 Appendix 5
3702 Appendix 6
3702 Appendix 7
3702 Appendix 8
3718 Organisational charts
3718 Appendix
3727 Recruitment from 2018
3727 Appendix
3735 Whistleblowing complaints
3736 Cultural Competency Toolkit
3737 Supply of medical (doctor) temporary workers
3757 Support workers regarding their housing
3758 WTE consultant psychiatrists/psychologists/psychotherapists
3759 COVID deaths and vaccination numbers
3764 DPO AfC Banding
3772 Rostering
3774 Patient Safety Specialists
3778 Medical staff with a GRC
3782 Agency and Bank spend and hours
3788 Staff, COVID and hospital beds
3789 IT staff job titles
3807 Car leasing, Grey fleet and Salary sacrifice contracts
3828 Consultant psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists
3828a Consultant psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists - Specialist Services
3829 Agency staff provider
3832 International recruitment
3833 Agency nursing
3836 Job planning and rostering
3837 International recruitment
3842 Retirement applications
3850 Doctor vacancies
3857 eRostering
3857a eRostering
3867 Overseas Visitors office
3867a Overseas Visitors office
3874 Learning Management System
3875 Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor re agency workers
3875a Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor re agency workers
3879 Workforce sexual orientation
3879 Appendix
3897 Chief of Staff
3899 Chief Registrar
3914 GP/Primary Care and Secondary care mental health appointments
3922 Number of staff and cost, agency hours and spend 20/21
3922 Appendix
3925 Inner London Supplement - Newham staff
3933 Trauma training resources
3936 Medical appraisals for revalidation
3947 SELR Exemption and MTI Route
3959 KUF Role
3970 Chaplaincy (or equivalent non-Christian religious/pastoral support) 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21
3976 Staff grievances
3978 Agenda for Change recruitment timescales
3983 Black and White ethnic origin locked ward inpatients and court proceedings
3984 Public & Patient Involvement Director post
3984a Public & Patient Involvement Director post
3984a Appendix
3986 Breakdown of all ELFT pharmacists by band and by ethnicity
3995 Disciplinary information for 2020 and 2021
3996 Apprenticeship Levy and Standards
4000 Use of 'Bank Staff / Contractor' term for IR35 and self-employed contractors
4000a Use of 'Bank Staff / Contractor' term for IR35 and self-employed contractors
4001 Using third-party software for creating junior doctor/trainee rotas
4004 Sexual assault allegations since 2016, security provision and DBS checks
4006 Long Covid staff absences
4008 Spending, management and contracting of agency staff
4025 Organisational structure inclusive of Clinical Directors
4028 ELFT spend on recruitment 01/02/2021 to 01/12/2021
4028a ELFT spend on recruitment 01/02/2021 to 01/12/2021
4033 Pharmacy Management and Staffing
4033 Appendix 1
4033 Appendix 2
3719 "Self inflicted" deaths of inpatients
3724 Paranormal activity incidents
3738 Racial abuse - patients towards staff
3739 Learning disability deaths and Serious Incidents
3749 Assualts on staff
3979 Number of physical and verbal assaults on staff by patients and public in 2019, 2020 and 2021
4004 Sexual assault allegations since 2016, security provision and DBS checks
4022 Unexpected deaths and inquests
3680 Pagers/Bleeps
3686 Online Clinic / Video Consultation
3692 IT/Digital Strategy re Electronic Record
3723 IT infrastructure
3726 Video Conferencing Hardware
3752 Technical applications tenders or commissions
3755 Electronic Patient Record, clinical systems and staff
3789 IT staff job titles
3792 Darktrace - hospitality and services
3811 Electronic signing tool
3822 Cyber Attacks
3839 Electronic equipment
3859 AI-based software
3862 Dictation devices
3866 ICT spenditure
3866 Appendix
3892 Microsoft Operating Systems
3896 Document management system
3903 IT and Telephony services
3904 IT & Telephony Vendors
3911 EPR system
3923 Patient meals - not applicable to the Trust
3932 Ransomware attacks
3953 Patient Administration/Appointment-Booking Systems
3962 ICS funding
3964 Theatre Management Software/Solution - not applicable to the Trust
3982 Data on the ELFT Patient Administration System
3999 Foureyes Insight - not applicable to the Trust
4012 ICT Security Strategy
4013 Robotic Process Automation
4015 Software used across ELFT's multiple specialities
4020 Clinical systems
4023 Electronic Healthcare Records
4037 Community Mental Health Team Care Plans
4037 Appendix
4039 Data management systems for point-of-care testing devices
3717 Legal affairs support
3756 Quality Improvement Capability
3770 Risk Management Systems
3773 Vexatious complainants and MP enquiry policy
3792 Darktrace - hospitality and services
3794 Website wording
3797 Newsnight report on Bedford Street Triage
3805 Fat shaming patient complaints
3809 Solicitor firms listed for services users
3823 Board/exec level Representative
3825 Elective patient pre-operative nil by mouth guideline(s) / policy - not applicable to the Trust
3826 Acute hospital security staff - not applicable to the Trust
3827 Complaints and Discharge
3835 Section 47 investigations - not applicable to the Trust
3860 Incidents in Acute hospitals - not applicable to the Trust
3893 Complaints re COVID delaying cancer treatment - not applicable to the Trust
3900 ECT Policy
3900a ECT Policy - machines used
3920 Diabetes in the community policy
3921 Compass Wellbeing
3935 Neonatal care unit access complaints, Covid-19 - not applicable to the Trust
3937 Information and Building security
3939 Policies, protocols, and guidelines in relation to the care of transgender people
3948 Patient deaths
3952 Safety of personal data
3960 Staff suicides
3960a Staff suicides policy
3967 GDPR - Removing records
3975 Information Sharing Agreements re research
3975 Appendix 1
3975 Appendix 2
3975 Appendix 3
4007 Mental health collaboratives involving ELFT
Procurement (Contracts)
3652a Tradebe waste contract
3626b Tradebe waste contract
3668 Service providers; catering, porter, cleaning, domestics, security
3680 Pagers/Bleeps
3686 Online Clinic / Video Consultation
3707 Staff bank and vendor management
3725 Contract between Luton CCG and the Trust
3725 Appendix 1
3725 Appendix 2
3725 Appendix 3
3725 Appendix 4
3725 Appendix 5
3725 Appendix 6
3725 Appendix 7
3725 Appendix 8
3725 Appendix 9
3725 Appendix 10
3725 Appendix 11
3725 Appendix 12
3725 Appendix 13
3725 Appendix 14
3725 Appendix 15
3725 Appendix 16
3737 Supply of medical (doctor) temporary workers
3748 Health and Care Space Newham (HCSN)- the estates partnership with the CCG and LBN
3760 Earnd contract
3772 Rostering
3807 Car leasing, Grey fleet and Salary sacrifice contracts
3808 Blood collection - not applicable to the Trust
3811 Electronic signing tool
3833 Agency nursing
3836 Job planning and rostering
3852 Disinfection Systems - not applicable to the Trust
3857 eRostering
3857a eRostering
3862 Dictation devices
3873 ELFT provision in Bedfordshire
3873 Appendix - Q4 (1)
3873 Appendix - Q4 (2)
3873 Appendix - Q4 (3)
3874 Learning Management System
3875 Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor re agency workers
3875a Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor re agency workers
3880 Lift contract
3888 Second class post and Post room staff
3912 Awarded contracts
3936 Medical appraisals for revalidation
3944 Trust PLICS system
3963 Contracts register
3963 Appendix
3999 Foureyes Insight - not applicable to the Trust
4001 Using third-party software for creating junior doctor/trainee rotas
4013 Robotic Process Automation
4017 Mental health bed and private transport provision and contracting
4018 GP practices owned by ELFT, timing/funding of acquisitions
4027 Facilities Management Contract
4027a Facilities Management Contract
4030 Second class post and Post room staff
4039 Data management systems for point-of-care testing devices
4048 Human Milk Product Purchasing